

Kemangi is Indonesian Language (Bahasa Indonesia) pre-processor tool.

If you are going to conduct text mining related research with Indonesian Language, there is a high probability that pre-processing is needed. The purpose of Kemangi is to clean up your text file so that it is easier to be processed.

Kemangi provides basic task pre-processing task:

# Remove non-ASCII characters # Remove non-alphanumeric characters # Case folding # Remove stop words (meaningless word) # Remove words according to pattern provided by you, e.g. hashtags, URLs, Twitter mentions, etc # Word stemming


Raw input:

Mempermainkan peranan 12 domba di pementasan
ALAyISME iTu TETAP ada di Jakarta
Saya tidur... kemarin
Pin  BB saya   B12A3FC
bbm koq naik, warga sedih #edisicurhat
dia memblokir website
éà ada karakter ga jelas, non ASCII appeared! #wow
Pak kepala desa tidak tahu bahwa 3 pencuri di rumah itu adalah teman lamanya!

After case folding, non-alphanumeric removal, stop words removal, and stemming:

main peran 12 domba pentas
alayisme tetap jakarta
tidur kemarin
pin bb b12a3fc
bbm naik warga sedih
blokir website
karakter ga jelas non ascii appeared
pak kepala desa tahu 3 curi rumah teman

Issues and Discussion

When you encounter issues in using Kemangi, please report it to Kemangi’s repository. You need GitHub account to do that. Don’t worry if you don’t have it, just create one. GitHub is a community full of generous programmers.

Support Kemangi

Visit for feedback and comments. Kemangi developers would love to hear your story. If you like Kemangi, don’t forget to star it at upper right Kemangi’s repository (need GitHub login).